Saturday, September 12, 2009


A friend of mine will be presenting a philosophy paper on forgiveness soon. What a great idea, to reflect on such a virtue? action? Anyway, Paul instructed the church at Philippi to reflect on whatever is true, honorable, right: whatever is pure, lovely, of good repute; whatever is excellent or worthy of praise, think on these things.

So I began to think about gratitude. How great would it be to write a paper on gratitude? That's what keeps overwhelming me in life, gratitude for what God has given to me, and, thankfully, not given to me. So when I worship God I am overcome with gratitude. There's a link here with love. But I think gratitude is a response one has when they have been given that which they do not deserve. Maybe that's why I weep before the Lord every time I come to Him in worship. I am overcome by His magnificence, beauty, glory. I praise Him. I am thankful for His desperate love for me. I am grateful. I am grateful for the promises Christ has given me. I am thankful for the hope that "I Will Rise"

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